The temperature has fallen, and the weather forecast says there is a chance of SNOW in Port Costa! I am keeping my fingers crossed. Even a few flakes would make my happiness complete!
I am working in the studio every day to finish up new things for my next two shows.
My first two open houses went really well - nothing is more fun for me than decking out my shop for Christmas, (this year with huge swags of fragrant eucalyptus), stuffing the shelves with new and enticing hand made goods, and standing behind the counter as people shop. The candles are lit, the music is on, and I get to put on my antique French shopkeepers jacket and just enjoy the excitement. I turn on the mechanical shadow dancer and everyone stops in their tracks, to watch the magic!
I decided to add one more weekend to my open house schedule - I will now be open:
Fri. and Sat. Dec 9th and 10,
Fri. and Sat. Dec. 16th and 17th.
Hours are 10 - 4 each day.
A magical day awaits you!
11 Canyon Lake Dr.
Port Costa, Ca. 94569
Please call for directions: 510 - 787-2164.
P.S. And if mechanical shadow dancers are not enough....there is an amazing little coffee shop that just opened up across the street from me, with a wood stove to gather around, and home made baked goods!